Oceanus Group files application with SGX to be removed from watch-list for the fulfilment of the financial exit criteria

SINGAPORE-LISTED abalone producer Oceanus Group on Friday evening announced that it has applied to the Singapore Exchange (SGX) to exit the bourse’s watch-list for the fulfilment of the financial exit criteria – rule 1314(1) of the listing manual.

SGX’s financial exit criteria indicate that firms may be removed from the watch-list if they record consolidated pre-tax profit for the most recently completed financial year, and post an average daily market capitalisation of at least S$40 million over the last six months.
Oceanus was first placed on the watch-list on Dec 14, 2015 and was given a six-month extension from Dec 2, 2017 to meet the requirements to exit from the watch-list (financial criteria) on March 6.

Read more here: https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/companies-markets/oceanus-group-files-application-with-sgx-to-be-removed-from-watch-list-for-the

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