Oceanus Group Responds to SGX Query on Unusual Trading Activity

SEAFOOD supplier Oceanus Group has said that it is not aware of any information concerning the company that might explain the unusual trading activity in its counter on Thursday.

Its shares surged 8.2 per cent to a record high of 5.3 Singapore cents just 36 minutes after market opened, more than double the 2.6 cents last month. By mid-afternoon, it had became the top traded share by volume, prompting queries from the Singapore Exchange.
At the close of trading, Oceanus shares had fallen to 4.7 Singapore cents, which is 0.2 Singapore cents or 4.1 per cent lower than the previous day.

Read More Here: https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/companies-markets/oceanus-group-responds-to-sgx-query-on-unusual-trading-activity

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