The business of audacity — How a near-robbery at 12 shaped the Oceanus CEO’s mastery of adaptability

As a child, Peter Koh — today the CEO of Oceanus — enjoyed an unparalleled level of freedom more than kids his age had at the time. “Back then, childhood felt more real and enjoyable without the constant focus on tuition and extracurricular programs.”

And while the zeitgeist informed much of his growing up years, Koh also credits his eldest sister for his wild streak of adventure. “She convinced our mom to give me more freedom, arguing that I wouldn’t learn to manage myself if I wasn’t allowed to make my own decisions. So, I was ‘let loose’ and ended up doing all sorts of crazy stuff as a kid. Despite leading to a few injuries, it taught me to be street smart.”

Read More: https://www.thepeakmagazine.com.sg/interviews/the-business-of-audacity-oceanus-ceos-peter-koh/?fbclid=IwAR3I1VzLnynJLApQJUJD3hwlELr1YsAd4n0stpowbtUoKFQ5Wf0R2M-N8tQ

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